Sunday, June 10, 2012

Luke ate pizza!

No!  Come on!  What kind of parents do you think we are?  He had cereal for the first time this morning!!  And guess what?  He DEVOURED it!  He devoured it like he had just run a marathon and went for a huge Big Mac... he devoured it like a contestant on the Biggest Loser who was given free reign of the dessert pantry.  He devoured it like it was the best thing he ever ate -- because it was!  Because it was the ONLY thing he ever ate!  But he loved it and it made me SO happy!!  Here are some shots.  And yes, this high chair comes equipped with a five point safety harness -- the kind they use for sky divers.

Of course I have an adorable video to capture the memory.  And part of what makes the video so stinkin cute is Malina in the background giddy with laughter as she's watching her little brother take his first bite.

Part of me intentionally waited to give him cereal (maybe for the sake of holding on to his baby-ness).  But I should have known he was ready for solids when he started doing this a few days ago.  Yes, that's his foot in his mouth.

He had his five month check up yesterday and no surprise, he is doing marvelously!  He are his stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 6 oz
Height: 26.5 in
Head circumference: 17.5 in
Overall: A++, total stud, magnificently adorable and generally irresistable

We topped off the weekend with a trip to the pool.  The water was too cold to go in, so Luke just lounged around, showing off his muscles.

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